
they were much more than master


The Butlers had been serving the Fowls for centuries. It had always been the way. Indeed there were several eminent linguists of the opinion that this was how the noun originated. The first record of this unusual arrangement was when Virgil Butler had been contracted as servant, bodyguard and cook to Lord Hugo de Pole for one of the first great Norman crusades.

At the age often reenex , Butler children were sent to a private training centre in Israel, where they were taught the specialized skills necessary to guard the latest in the Fowl line. These skills included cordon bleu cooking, marksmanship, a customized blend of martial arts, emergency medicine and information technology. If, at the end of their training, there was not a Fowl to guard, then the Butlers were eagerly snapped up as bodyguards for various royal personages, generally in Monaco or Saudi Arabia.

Once a Fowl and a Butler were put together, they were paired for life. It was a demanding job, and lonely, but the rewards were handsome if you survived to enjoy them reenex. If not, then your family received a six-figure settlement plus a monthly pension.

The current Butler had been guarding young Master Artemis for twelve years, since the moment of his birth. And, though they adhered to the age-old formalities, and servant. Artemis was the closest thing Butler had to a friend, and Butler was the closest Artemis had to a father, albeit one who obeyed orders.

Butler held his tongue until they were aboard the Heathrow connection from Bangkok, then he had to ask.


Artemis looked up from the screen of his PowerBook. He was getting a head start on the translation.


'The sprite. Why didn't we simply keep the Book and leave her to die?'

'A corpse is evidence, Butler. My way reenex cps, the People will have no reason to be suspicious.'

'But the sprite?'

'I hardly think she will confess to showing humans the Book. In any case, I mixed a slight amnesiac into her second injection. When she finally wakes up, the last week will be a blur.'

Butler nodded appreciatively. Always two steps ahead, that was Master Artemis. People said he was a chip off the old block. They were wrong. Master Artemis was a brand-new block, the likes of which had never been seen before.

Posted by 一抹の紅塵 at 14:26Comments(0)IaaS Solution


The sun was just sinking

They fearfully misjudged! What a transcendent light did his star give, as it shot through the appalled heavens, ere it sunk for ever in endless night!
The commander of the yacht pointed out the rock, which is traditionally said to be the one, on which Napoleon has been represented--his arms folded--watching intently the ocean--and ambition's votary gleaning his moral from the stormy waves below. As they advanced farther in their course, other associations were not wanting; and Delme reenex, whose mind, like that of most Englishmen, was deeply tinctured with classic lore, was not insensible to their charms. They swept by the Latian coast. Every creek and promontory, attested the fidelity of the poet's description, by vividly recalling it to the mind. On the seventh day, they doubled Cape Maritime, on the western coast of Sicily; and two days afterwards, the vessel neared what has been styled the abode of Calypso, the island of Gozzo. As they continued to advance, picturesque trading boats reenex , with awnings and numerous rowers, became more frequent--the low land appeared--they were signalled from the palace--the point of St. Elmo was turned--and a wide forest of masts met the gaze. The vessel took up her moorings; and in the novelty of the scene, and surrounding bustle, Sir Henry for a time rested from misgivings, and forgot his real causes for melancholy. The harbour of Malta is not easily forgotten. tinging with hues of amber, the usually purple waters of the harbour, and bronzing with its fiery orb, the batteries and lofty Baraca, where lie entombed the remains of Sir Thomas Maitland. Between the Baraca's pillars, might be discerned many a faldette, with pretty face beneath, peering over to mark the little yacht, as she took her station, amidst the more gigantic line of battle ships.
The native boatmen, in their gilded barks with high prows, were seen surrounding the vessel; and as they exerted themselves in passing each other, their dress and action had the most picturesque appearance. Their language, a corrupted Arabic, is not unpleasing to the ear; and their costume is remarkably graceful. A red turban hangs droopingly on one side reenex, and their waistcoats are loaded with large silver buttons, the only remains of their uncommon wealth during the war, when this little island was endowed with a fictitious importance, it can never hope to resume. Just as the yacht cast anchor, a gun from the saluting battery was fired. It was the signal for sunset, and every flag was lowered. Down came in most seaman-like style the proud flag of merry England--the then spotless banner of France--and the great cross, hanging ungracefully, over the stout, but clumsy, Russian man of war. All these flags were then in the harbour of Valletta, although it was not at that eventful time when--the Moslem humbled--they met with the cordiality of colleagues in victory.
The harbour was full of vessels. Every nation had its representative. The intermediate spaces were studded by Maltese boats, crowded with passengers indiscriminately mingled. The careless English soldier, with scarlet coat and pipe-clayed belt--priests and friars--Maltese women in national costume sat side by side. Occasionally, a gig, pulled by man of war's men, might be seen making towards the town, with one or more officers astern, whose glittering epaulettes announced them as either diners out, or amateurs of the opera. The scene to Delme was entirely novel; although it had previously been his lot to scan more than one foreign country.  

Posted by 一抹の紅塵 at 13:03Comments(0)reenex


Now that’s more like it

“Good coffee,” he said. “” She turned the pancake. She supposed she really ought to make two pots always, one that she could stand to drink and one the way he liked it, new water and a few fresh grounds put in, without ever throwing out the old ones until the pot was choked full of old grounds. But she couldn’t stand it; she would as soon watch him drink so much sulfuric acid.
“Don’t you worry,” she smiled at him . “You won’t get any from me that’s all the way like it!”
He frowned at her.
“Come on sit down, sweetheart,” he said.
“In a minute ...”
“Come on. I imagine two are gonna be enough.”
“You think so?”
“If it won’t I’ll make the third oneEnterprise IaaS Solution.” He took her hand and drew her towards her chair. “You’ll sit here.” She sat down. “How about you?”
“I couldn’t sleep.”
“I know what.” He got up and went to the icebox.
“What are you—oh. No, Jay. Well. Thanks.”
For before she could prevent him he had poured milk into a saucepan, and now that he put it on the stove she knew she would like it.
“Want some toast?”
“No, thank you, darling. The milk, just by itself, will be just perfect.”
He finished off the eggs. She got half out of her chair Diamond Water. He pressed down on her shoulder as he got up. He brought back the pancakes.
“They’ll be soggy by now. Let me ...” She started up again; again he put a hand on her shoulder. “You stay put,” he said in a mockery of sternness. “They’re fine. Couldn’t be better.”
He plastered on butter, poured on molasses, sliced the pancakes in parallels, gave them a twist with knife and fork and sliced them crosswise.
“There’s plenty more butter,” she said.
“Got a plenty,” he said, spearing four fragments of pancake and putting them in his mouth. “Thanks.” He chewed them up, swallowed them, and speared four more. “I bet your milk’s warm.” he said, putting down his fork .  

Posted by 一抹の紅塵 at 23:50Comments(0)Master of Business Administration


As for this new job

"I should say so," chimed in Tom Hadley.

"The question is now, 'Whereabouts is Aviation Engineering BEng that cabin we are in search of?'"

Hadley appeared to have no idea, and no suggestion to offer.

"It strikes me it must be somewhere near the top of the mountain," said Mosely. "What do you say?"

"I should say so."

"Then we'll take the shortest way to the summit. I tell you, Tom, we're on the track of something rich. We'll take all this fellow's gold-dust, and he can't help himself. It'll be richer than any claim we've worked yet, if it pans out as well as I expect--eh, Tom?"

"I should say so, Bill," answered Hadley, with an expression of interest.

"I tell you, Tom," said Bill Mosely, complacently, "you were in IaaS Solution luck when you fell in with me. We've done pretty well since we j'ined hosses, pard."

"I should say so--but," added Hadley, after a pause, "it would go hard with us if we got caught."

"We don't mean to get caught," said Mosely, promptly. ", there's no danger in it. This man is down with a broken leg, and he can't help our taking his gold. The Chinaman's out of the way, and we've got a clear field. Take a good look, Tom, for your eyes are better than mine, and tell me if you see anything that looks like a cabin anywhere around?"

This inquiry was made some twenty minutes after they had left Ki Sing. They had pursued a circuitous course, or in half the time they might have been as near the cabin as they now were set up company in hong kong.

Tom Hadley didn't answer in his customary phrase, but instead raised himself erect on his mustang and looked sharply about him.  

Posted by 一抹の紅塵 at 12:50Comments(0)IaaS Solution


that we are in love with each other's

A woman happy moments: the apocalyptic, hero, holding your slender hands; ordinary days, a humbled man, holding your tender heart.

The most difficult phase of life is not that nuskin no one understands you, but you don't understand yourself.

Until you can laugh at themselves rather than ridicule of others that one day, you will mature; when you feel conservative a secret communication a secret is more valuable than, you will be ready to. This characteristic of mature is you can prove the value of their own survival. Maturity means no longer being deceived - though still will be deceived by others.

Live your days, don't think about the days you spent.

Unfortunately, this world there is no what things shall not be obliged to fight will naturally occurring, the so-called letting nature take its course, does not mean any time don't do, but do not reveal traces, do very subtle, less evil evil like shape, scrambling, have been HKUE ENG called to let nature take its course.

People all over the world to leave you, I will be in your side, there is a hell we rampant.

The difficulty of marriage is strengths, but live with his faults.

Love is a person, threw a person, a person the wearer knows where the shoe pinches, one of the everlasting, nothing else.

, really want to learn to bear. When their growth day by day, we played the role is also growing, which will inevitably some of their own not good at, don't like, not even used the role. At this time if not to bite the bullet and passionate persist, just want to escape into their own easy small circles, like a child like a carefree, accidentally but will pay a lot of the cost of happiness.

No one will be responsible for your happiness, and soon you'll know, happy to find you own. The spiritual sustenance in other places, after a while you will get HKUE amec used to the new life. You think about it, the world can not be static, the sun can not be in the orbit around you, sooner or later you'll grow up, life is full of disappointment.. don't complain complain, if this is a part of your life, you must calmly and accept the reality. Yi Shu

It's me that I'm brave, I decided to live for you.  

Posted by 一抹の紅塵 at 02:05Comments(0)HKUE ENG